skim rubber câu
Once the tallow hardens, you skim off a layer of glycerin.Khi mỡ đông lại, cậu sẽ lấy ra được một lớp glyxerin. Man you broke ass cop,...

Air raid warden ... paper drives ... scrap drives ... rubber drivesLính gác đêm... vận chuyển báo... chở phế liệu... chở cao su Air ra...

skim coat
The skim coat is basically finished.Chiếc phong bì vải về cơ bản đã hoàn thành rồi. The two chemicals that are mixed with each other t...

skim milk
Are you a fan of whole milk or skim milk?Bạn không phải là một fan hâm mộ của sữa chua hay sữa? Cover with skim milk or your favourite...

skim off
Once the tallow hardens, you skim off a layer of glycerin.Khi mỡ đông lại, cậu sẽ lấy ra được một lớp glyxerin. While cooking, skim of...

skim the water
Horin said: "Observing wind, I know waves will blow up; sail boats skim the water with straining sheets."Lâm nói: "xem gió biết sóng dậ...

skim through
Let me just skim through some other sacred truths.Ngài tới xin chỉ bảo cho vài lời huấn dụ thiêng liêng. Let me just skim through some...

to skim off
In the process, of course, they manage to skim off many millions of dollars for themselves!Trong khi đó, họ không thể tự mình gây thất ...

a rubber plantation
Before she passed way, she lived with her family in Bo Rai district and worked at a rubber plantation.Trước khi qua đời, cô sinh sống v...

acrylic rubber
TOKYO—Zeon Corp. is planning to build an acrylic rubber production plant in Thailand as part of an effort to expand its ACM business.Tậ...

block rubber
The main processing plants in the region are those of Block Rubber producers, MAVALLE being the biggest.Những nhà máy chế biến cao su c...

butyl rubber
What Is The Global Butyl Rubber Market Valuation In 2025?Jun 03, 2018Giá trị thị trường cao su Butyl toàn cầu là gì?Jun 03, 2018 Gas p...

cellular rubber
This heading does not, however, apply to plates, sheets or strip of cellular rubber, combined with textile fabric, where the textile fa...

compound rubber
This is inclusive of NR exported to China in the form of compound rubber and mixture rubber.Điều này bao gồm cả xuất khẩu cao su thiên ...

crepe rubber
The introduction of the crepe rubber racket was next but it was unsuccessful because it gave the player little control over the ball.Sự...

crude rubber
Indonesia ranks second after Thailand as a supplier of crude rubber.Indonesia đứng thứ hai sau Thái Lan như là một nhà cung cấp cao su ...

epdm rubber
The mask is made from EPDM rubber material.Vỏ mặt nạ được làm bằng chất liệu EPDM. Made from EPDM rubber, which contains no chlorides ...

expanded rubber
EVA is one of the materials popularly known as 'expanded rubber' or 'foam rubber'.Xốp EVA là một trong những vật liệu phổ biến được gọi...

foam rubber
Gibbs says that Stifler has to sit on a foam rubber doughnut for six weeks.Gibbs nói rằng Stifler phải ngồi đệm cao su đến 6 tuần. We ...

hard rubber
It was not quite like hard rubber, and I had the sensation that it was alive.Nó không như cao su cứng, tôi có cảm giác nó sống. “The d...

india rubber
They are a bit like India rubber at that age!Người ta là một đại mỹ nữ đang trong độ tuổi lang hổ đó! In India, rubber prices have fal...

"If you meet a man," was the reply, "who wears an India-rubber coat, cap, stock, vest, and shoes, with an India-rubber money purse with...

isoprene rubber
For cushioning, the shoe has been crafted with the legendary Abzorb technology, while the isoprene rubber and Dupoint Engage provide yo...

latex rubber
South America remained the main source of latex rubber used during much of the 19th century.Nam Mỹ vẫn là nguồn cao su chính được sử dụ...

liquid rubber
Silicone products are a one-component of liquid rubber products in room temperature vulcanization from the chemical point.Các sản phẩm ...